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Select Board Meeting Minutes 4/26/17
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 4/26/17

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Kenn Basler, Chairperson, Steve Weisz and Carol Edelman

Also in attendance: Dennis Lynch, Peter Chait, Larry Klein, Ray Tryon, Ellen Batchelder, Sinead Coleman, Stanley Ross, Dave Gilmore, Beth Parks

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
  • Dennis Lynch came in to update the Board on the ADA grant and request permission to apply for a new grant just released as well as attending a conference regarding this grant tomorrow.  The Board approved attending the conference and discussed whether or not this should be paid hourly; the Board agreed to reimburse for mileage but only pay monies for time spent drafting grants.
  • Wilson McLaughlin Scholarship Fund: Since Kelly Tryon has resigned from the Parks Commission a replacement will need to be appointed.
  • The Board reviewed a draft letter to the grant writers requesting information for town meeting.
  • Town Administrator: Kenn has spoken with a retired Town Administrator from Berkshire County that may be interested in the open position.  He has agreed to come in to next week’s meeting The Board will let the members of the Town Administrator Resume Review Committee know about this informal meeting.  We have also received a resume from a former Becket Town Administrator which the Board agreed should be forwarded to the resume review committee.
  • Town Administrator Resume Review Committee: Diana Piepho and Susan Cooper have written letters of interest in being on the committee.
  • New Town Administrator Office: MD Amstead is scheduled to come in toward the end of May to begin construction.
  • There was a conversation regarding the shelving and office structure.  Kenn suggested that he and Steve meet with the Clerk to be sure she is aware that the changes to the office were all at the directive of the Select Board. Carol reported that she met with Terry on Monday and thought this was understood.
  • Wired West: Larry reported that he responded to an email received from Wired West and Monterey’s current situation and their request for $1,000.
  • Fire Dept boat: There was an incident in Lake Buel the other day, and state divers showed up without a means of accessing the water. The situation is that we have a fan boat that is not being used and we should reexamine the possibility of trading this boat in for something that can be used on both lakes.  The Board will reopen the discussion with the Fire Chief when he returns.
  • New procedure for bills payable: the Board reviewed the modified form and memo to departments.  The memo will be sent out with a request for feedback within a week and an implementation date of May 15th.
  • The auditors have been working here all week and will be here a few days next week.  We hope to have a final report in 3 – 4 weeks.
  • Land court filing by Camp Hume in opposition to the Planning Board’s decision on the site plan review.  There is a meeting tonight of the Planning Board with a land use attorney to discuss the decisions made and the complaint filed.  It was confirmed by the Health Agent that the septic system is capable of handling 250 campers.
  • Transfer Station Opening:
  • The Transfer Station Attendants will be coming in later this afternoon to discuss the transition to the new station.
  • It was suggested by multiple people that the flow of traffic needs to be reversed.
  • It was suggested that moving the old attendant’s shed up to the new area will assist the attendant’s with being able to see what’s coming better.
  • The Board reviewed the summary letter from Counsel with regards to the filing Egremont has made against the Southern Berkshire Regional School district.  A copy of a letter that New Marlborough sent to Town Counsel stating they believe  his representation of the Town of Egremont is in direct conflict with the interests of New Marlborough and requested he withdraw in the captioned matter.
  • Berkshire County Educational Task Force: Carol attended an informal forum a few nights ago regarding planning for the future education of our communities.
  • Ellen Batchelder and Sinead Coleman of the Hampshire Council of Governments came in to discuss a cooperative purchasing program and Hampshire IT program.  We are already part of the electric aggregation.  Sinead will provide us with information for the Monterey News letting residents know about free programs available to reduce home electric bills.  The possibility of using municipal land for a solar farm was also discussed.
  • Warrants were signed.
  • Minutes from 4/19/17 were approved.
  • Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
  • Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
  • Kenn reported to the Board he was approached by Gould Farm regarding the Roadside Store and the possibility of applying for a block grant, as well as the future of the building/restaurant.
  • The Board took a brief break.
  • At 1:30pm the Board met with Beth Parks and Dave Gilmore, Transfer Station Attendants regarding the following:
  • Dave inquired about how to respond to questions about signs being stolen from people’s properties.  Steve replied that temporary signs of this nature aren’t allowed without a permit.
  • They requested that the flow of traffic be reversed and provided a sketch.
  • They requested an outside bell for the phone, and a wash up station.
  • They provided a total of hours worked prepping the interior of the swap shack and moving the contents from the old station to the new.  
  • The Board agreed to move the old transfer station attendant shack up to the new site as soon as the Master Garbologist removes their items off/from it.
  • The clothing receptacle box still needs to be moved to the new location.
  • Rigid plastic collection – we are working on a grant for a separate collection receptacle for next year but it is currently separated by our hauler.
  • Sick/vacation coverage.
  • Overall, the new Transfer Station is proceeding well, and the Board requested that going forward any comments expressed remain positive and constructive.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 2:30pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk